The new version is available !

Dear users,

You are everyday more and more using TransferNow to send your large documents for free and we thank you.

As you may have noticed, the new version of TransferNow is now avalaible 🙂 .

Two major changes appear in this new version.

The first is the evolution of our interface that is more uncluttered, more functional and that will fit with all your devices no matters the usage you have, as an individual or as a business user.

The second is the arrival of a completely free member area that allows you to access a much wider range of features.

By becoming a member, take advantage of wider limits:
– Up to 3 GB per transfer
– Up to 35 contacts per sending
– Up to 21 days of availability
– Unlimited number of transfers per day

From the member’s area, you can access a transfer manager to:
– Access a summary of each of your transfers
Edit the associated message and add recipients
– Extend the availability of your documents by changing the expiration date
Protect your documents by adding / modifying / deleting a password
– Enable / Disable a transfer temporarily
Delete your transfer

In addition, you can configure the sending emails (summary transfer, download confirmation, newsletter, …) according to your needs.

New features are under development and will arrive soon: notifications, email reminder, contact manager, search by transfer’s name, …

Do not hesitate to contact us with any suggestions, requests for information or errors encountered while browsing the site.

The TransferNow team.

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